upcycling furniture

Posts tagged “Legless


It’s a far cry from last time I said down and wrote a blog post and we are now in the full throws of summer, Woo hoo! What a perfect time to introduce my exciting new project “Legless”, upcycling mid-century tables and chairs by covering just their legs with vintage fabric, giving a whole new meaning to the phrase legless! They will soon be featured on Etsy.






This also leads me onto another exciting project that my good friend Bec Russell-Turner and I are in the process of presenting, a lifestyle exhibition/pop-up shop. This will include amongst other things Bec’s gorgeous silk devorated paintings, my suitcase cupboards and the debut of legless! and will probably take place nearer the end of the year. We are currently looking for a suitable space in West London so if anyone knows of anything, please do let me know.

Rose was taken off a couple of weeks ago for a photoshoot in Country Homes and Interiors, after Evelyn featuring in their May edition, they are almost becoming regulars in the magazine!


ImageThe Etsy Wedding fair was a huge success, Darcy, Rose and Evelyn made their way to Soho and got some great feedback on the Etsy facebook page.

Until next time top up those tans and get ready for the preview party fr our exhibition, date to be confirmed…